Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Tale of Two Communities

Last summer I attended Blogher for the first time and it was a confusing, but eye-opening experience.   There was so much more to the blogging community than I had realized, and it would take me some time and effort to tap it.

So I started sorting through the various bloggers communities I joined Mom Spark, which was about parenting and blogging and seemed to be a friendly group.  I enjoy the posts, and the content, and do not resent the precious moments of my day it takes to keep up.

On the other hand, I also "applied" for Clever Girls Collective.   I'm clever, the content seemed interesting.  The application requirement was a little weird, but perhaps they wanted to some info to tailor their content to my interests.   At the end of the application I received a stiffly worded email that my application would be evaluated for its merit.  Yikes!  Apparently I had applied for the membership in the bloggers mean girls club.   Sure enough, several days later my official rejection arrived.   I was unworthy of the collective.

Then, I started getting spam from the Clever Girls Collective.  Apparently, though my membership was rejected, they felt free use my email address to hawk their sponsors.

Are they kidding?    Why would I support an organization that feels I am not worthy of membership?  Apparently clever isn't the same thing as smart. 

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